Committees & Teams
The Session appoints committees, task forces, and other entities as needed to carry out its responsibilities, and the Board of Deacons establishes teams as needed to fulfill its duties.
Session Committees
Adult Ministries
Oversees and develops adult Sunday school classes and teachers; special learning opportunities such as retreats, small groups, faith and film nights, etc.; the Library renovation team; and ongoing educational groups, including Lectio Divina, Brown Bag Bible Study, Women's Bible Study, Presbyterian Women.
Chair: Charlie Chadwick
Children & Families Ministries
Develops programs for children and families that support their spiritual and practical needs by fostering community connections and aims to create a nurturing environment that helps families grow in their faith and build strong, supportive relationships within the church community.
Chair: Elaine Knight
Christian Outreach
Initiates, communicates, supports, and implements activities and projects focused on ministry to those outside the church walls.
Chair: Hannah Walker
Finance & Administration
Oversees all financial and administrative activities of the church.
Chair: Rick Welborn
Develops and provides, in close collaboration with the Pastor/Head of Staff, oversight of personnel policies, procedures, and practices that will enable First Presbyterian Church to recruit, retain, and motivate employees in a supportive work environment.
Chair: Jan Garnett
Property Management
Provides for the use, maintenance, repair, security, and enhancement of church buildings, grounds, and equipment.
Chair: Kevin Dean
Identifies the abilities, talents, skills and resources of the congregation of First Presbyterian Church and fosters responsible Christian stewardship of time, talent, and treasure.
Chair: David Bear
Welcome & Worship
Provides for Christian worship that will offer spiritual meaning, comfort, challenge, hospitality, and a sense of community in accordance with the Reformed Tradition and the Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Chair: Allen Bailey
Youth Ministry
Builds a sustainable model of youth ministry that involves a shared leadership among youth and adults (elders, volunteers, staff) and organizes fellowship and mission/outreach opportunities that nurture discipleship in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Chair: Trip Walker
Board of Deacons Teams
Congregational Life
The Congregational Life Team has several purposes. This team works to foster Christian hospitality and fellowship and coordinates "connecting" activities including Sunday fellowship time and congregational picnics. They also work to identify and support implementation of new ways to promote fellowship and encourage hospitality. Additionally, this team supports church members in making connections to opportunities for building relationships, nurturing, and serving in the life of the church by using their time and gifts.
Chair: Maggie Kleinot
Health & Wellness
Serves church members who are experiencing a life challenge or crisis that may involve joy or sorrow and serves the entire congregation by providing health-related education, community awareness, and health screenings.
Chair: Sally Clary
New Member
Oversees a structured period of discernment for people considering membership at First Presbyterian Church and provides the education and relational context needed to facilitate the decision-making process and integration into our community of faith.
Chair: Brooke Lambert
Congregational Committees
Administers the Endowment Fund in accordance with the Articles Establishing the Endowment Fund and the Endowment Committee of the First Presbyterian Church, including promoting, receiving, investing and managing donations to the Fund.
Chair: Bill vonReichbauer
To nominate persons with exceptional Christian faith, devotion and leadership qualities to serve as officers of the church, in accordance with the Book of Order; as well as discerning persons to serve as at-large members of the next Nominating Committee.
Chair: Jane Brennan