Chancel Team Volunteers
A one-two hour commitment once a month to check the Sanctuary so it is ready for the next worship service. We currently need two volunteers for each third Monday of the month. Contact June Vogan if interested.
Card Ministry
Send a greeting card to 2-3 homebound people each month. Please email the Church Office if interested.
Serve on Sundays
30 Minutes of Care
On Sunday mornings we strive to provide a safe and efficient entrance into the church Sanctuary, particularly for those with impairments or who need extra assistance. Work with a team of members who provide assistance to people with disabilities. The commitment is from 10:30 – 11:00 am. Present a welcoming presence and enjoy working outside while assisting those with disabilities as they enter the North Entrance of the Sanctuary. Sign up here or contact Nancy Lutz.
For either the 9:00 or 11:00 service. You do not have to be available each Sunday. It’s easy! Just arrive 15 minutes before the service and leave shortly after the service is over. Please email Michael Kidd for the 9:00 service or Harriet Grosh for the 11:00 service.
Communion Prep
Do you enjoy helping behind the scenes on Sunday mornings? Your Welcome & Worship Team is seeking volunteers to prepare the elements and set the table for Communion on Sundays. For additional information, see instructions here. Please contact Jocelyn Kelley if you are interested.
Flower Delivery
Following the 11:00 service on a Sunday of your choosing, you will divide our Sanctuary flowers into three smaller vases and deliver them to church members who may no longer be able to attend church, or who have experienced a recent death in their family or a recent illness. Please contact Nancy Lutz to volunteer.